The United States Air Force Academy Band has a long tradition of music education for America's youth and involvement with local communities. The USAF Academy offers its educational products to music educators nationally. We encourage organizers of state music conventions, district superintendents, and proactive band directors to contact us to support your regional needs. We especially invite educators to consider concert/educational days that involve all of your music students in the region. At these events we attempt to bring in media support to highlight the excellence of your music programs and outstanding students. All of our educational services are free to the public.
Below is a partial list of educational conventions to which the USAF Academy Band has lent its support.
American Bandmasters' Association
Arizona Music Educators
Arkansas Schools Band and Orchestra Association
California Music Educators
Colorado Music Educators
Indiana Music Educators
International Association of Jazz Educators
International Clarinet Association
International Double Reed Society
International Horn Society
International Trombone Association
International Trumpet Guild
Midwest Clinic International Band and Orchestra Conference
Missouri Music Educators
National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors
National Flute Association
North American Saxophone Alliance
North Dakota Music Educators
Percussive Arts Society
South Carolina Music Educators Association
Texas Bandmasters' Association
Texas Music Educators' Association
Tubists' United Brotherhood Association
For further inquiries, please contact the Education Outreach department headed by Technical Sergeant Ryan Spencer at