Technical Sergeant David Fairchild Technical Sergeant David Fairchild, a native of Atlanta, Georgia, has been a member of the Air National Guard Band of the South since 1999. In addition to performing on trombone and euphonium in the Air National Guard Band of the South Concert Band, Eagle's Flight jazz ensemble, and brass quintet, Sergeant Fairchild is in charge of Recruiting and Retention for the Band of the South Sergeant Fairchild holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Georgia State University. He was principal trombonist with the Hollywood Festival Orchestra from 1999 to 2001, and is the founder and director of the Atlanta Trumpet Ensemble. His principal teacher was Thomas Gibson, and he has performed in masterclass for Brian Bowman, Scott Harman, Fred Mills, Lorie Frink, John Faddis, Ingrid Jensen, Chris Gekker and Vince D. Martino. As a traditional member of the Air National Guard, Sergeant Fairchild serves one weekend a month, two weeks during the year and at other times when called to duty. He is a band director in the Atlanta area, and performs regularly with Big Band Atlanta. In his free time he enjoys a good game of golf.