Tech Sergeant Brian M. Wilmer

Technical Sergeant Brian Wilmer is a clarinetist with the United States Air Force Band of the Golden West, Travis AFB, CA. Originally from Virginia Beach, VA, his Air Force career began in 2013.

TSgt Wilmer is a 2010 graduate of The University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC where he earned a Bachelor's of Music in Clarinet Performance. In 2012, he received a Master's of Music in Clarinet Performance from The University of Georgia, Athens, GA and in 2012 began a doctoral degree at The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, OH. His teachers include Alberto Asercion, Joseph Eller, Dr. D. Ray McClellan, Ben Freimuth, Jerry Simas, and Carey Bell. SSgt Wilmer has performed as 3rd/bass clarinet with Symphony Orchestra Augusta.  He currently serves as principal clarinet with the North State Symphony.

2010 Bachelor's of Music in Clarinet Performance, The University of South Carolina
2012 Master's of Music in Clarinet Performance, The University of Georgia
2012 Additional studies, The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music

1.  Air Force Achievement Medal   0
2.  AF Organizational Excellence Award   0
3.  AF Good Conduct Medal   0
4.  National Defense Service Medal   0
5.  Global War on Terrorism Service Medal   0
6.  AF Longevity Service   0
7.  USAF NCO PME Graduate Ribbon   0
8.  Basic Military Training Honor Graduate   0
9.  AF Training Ribbon  

April 2013 - present - Clarinet, Band of the Golden West, Travis AFB, California

Airman First Class - February 2013
Senior Airman - June 2015
Staff Sergeant - June 2017
Technical Sergeant - June 2020

(Current as of Sep 2020)